A meticulous selection

It is important that you understand how we select the locations where we place your backlinks. In order to be able to set a price on our packs, we have chosen to classify them by Domain Authority (DA) which is a measure of a site's notoriety. But we don't stop there. Several sites can have the same DA but not the same impact to improve the visibility of your site.

The Domain Authority is a measure of the reputation of a site judged by a complex set of criteria. It has a scale of 0-100, with 0 being the starting point when you create your site. The more you increase your your DA, the harder it is to do so. So going from 10 to 20 will take much less time than going from 50 to 60. But don’t be under any illusions, ADs over 60 are reference and quality sites that have been around for several years. It’s a long process.

Coupled with the Domain Authority, we also use Trust Flow (TF) and Citations Flow (CF) measurements to test the reliability of a site and eliminate those that could be toxic to you, such as spam sites.

Finally, we look at the quality of the site’s content. The quality of the articles’ writing, its theme, its coherence or its design are all useful clues to eliminate sites with no future potential.

There is no miracle to increase the AD of a site. Buying backlinks yes, but you have to remain natural in the eyes of search engines. A mix of 10 to 30 DA backlinks when you start will already help to increase yours quite quickly. And then you increase it gradually. The goal is not quantity but quality. And you have to work within your budget of course.

And as you can guess, the higher the DA of a site is, the more expensive the purchase of its backlink will be. That’s why we have taken the time to negotiate with quality sites to find a fair price that satisfies you and us.

Our packages go as far as buying backlinks for a DA of 50, it is of course possible to go beyond that, but it is difficult to set a price. We enter into negotiations on a case-by-case basis. If you are interested, you can contact us and we can find and negotiate for you.

There is another advantage to increase the notoriety of your site: monetize it. You will be able to put advertising on it and sell backlinks in your turn. But in order to do so, you will first need a DA of some importance. We can also help you to place your site to sell your backlinks.